The Celestron EdgeHD 14. Where Innovation Meets Optics!
Known for their industry leading optics, Celestron has taken the Schmidt Cassegrain optical design up a notch: delivering an aplanatic, flat field astrograph perfect for any astro-enthusiast! The EdgeHD series has been designed specifically with astrophotography in mind—including a set of corrector lenses near the rear of the telescope to enhance photographic performance. The resulting 5 internal optical elements produce an inherent flat field and images free from coma and spherical aberrations. While excellent for astrophotography applications, this Celestron EdgeHD allows you the opportunity to enjoy stunning, bright views as well! No matter if you choose to utilize this EdgeHD 14 for astrophotography or for visual astronomy, you can expect one thing: quality.
In addition to the 5 optical components delivering exceptional resolving power, the body of the optical tube features mechanical upgrades such as mirror clutches and tube vents to maximize this telescope’s performance. Celestron doesn’t stop there! The patented StarBright XLT coatings help increase light transmission even further, producing vibrant sights and astrophotos brimming with detail. When it comes to choosing what to observe or what to image, plenty of options ensue. The 3910 mm focal length is ideal for deep dives into nebulous regions of the night sky, while also allowing the opportunity to get to know the planets. This EdgeHD offers 14” of aperture. That’s 1.62x the light gathering power of the EdgeHD 11. Fitted with a removable secondary mirror, add the Starizona Hyperstar for wildly fast f/2 imaging! Wanting to enhance your EdgeHD experience even more? Celestron offers an ecosystem of optional accessories, such as a Focal Reducer and Dew Rings, and comes equipped with included accessories like a star diagonal and 23 mm Luminos eyepiece. This feature-packed Celestron EdgeHD 14 gives you the power to take your astronomy journey to new heights.
Commitment to Quality: Celestron EdgeHD Technology
Understanding the needs of astrophotographers, the engineers at Celestron sought to develop a new astrograph that would deliver images free from comatic aberration and field curvature. The solution? The development of their EdgeHD series! These super-charged Schmidt Cassegrain telescopes include a set of corrector lenses made of premium Schott glass in the rear baffle tube. These powerful lenses, along with the spherical primary mirror, spherical secondary mirror, and aspherical front corrector lens work together to virtually eradicate any aberrations. Compared to classic Schmidt Cassegrains, EdgeHD optics feature a focal plane that’s more than 3x flatter. This ensures stars all the way to the corners of the 42 mm image circle are sharp and round. While other optical designs are advertised as astrographs, the true astrograph quality of the EdgeHD series provides pinpoint stars across a flat camera chip, not just pinpoint stars across a curved focal plane. This geometric harmony of a flat camera chip and flat focal plane makes the EdgeHD OTAs optimal for astrophotography applications. In addition to producing round stars, this superior edge performance helps enhance the limiting magnitude and resolution when compared to telescopes of equal aperture. To put this into perspective, poor edge performance blurs the starlight so much that it’s difficult to detect dimmer stars with your eye or camera sensor. This is a stark contrast to the clarity delivered by EdgeHD technology as even faint galaxies along the edges of the field of view can be easily resolved. Not only is field curvature well corrected for, but off-axis comatic aberration is also kept in check! This aberration presents itself as unfocused, comet-like stars near the corners of the image, though with the embedded sub-aperture lenses, the stars come into focus across the entire field of view. Ensuring each telescope is of the utmost excellence, Celestron performs a final acceptance test on every EdgeHD unit prior to shipment. The surface quality of the optics is thoroughly inspected and the photographic performance is assessed with a camera and artificial star. Thanks to Celestron’s top-tier quality standards, you can enjoy outstanding performance during every astronomy session.
Engineered for Excellence
Celestron has jam packed this telescope with features that make it a cut above the rest! EdgeHD optics and a mechanical redesign maximizes the 14” of light gathering power, while a plethora of optional and included accessories help elevate your nights under the stars even further. Whether you’re a planetary enthusiast, enjoy imaging deep space objects, or are a dedicated visual astronomer, this EdgeHD 14 allows you to observe the universe with outstanding clarity. Read more about this world-renowned Celestron innovation below.
Large 14” Optics
Featuring a focal length of 3910 mm and 14” of aperture, this EdgeHD 14 is ideal for a wide range of celestial targets. Get up close and personal with the Ring Nebula, the Pinwheel Galaxy, and plenty more deep space objects! If you’d like to take advantage of the high focal length for lunar or planetary imaging, these superior optics resolve impressive structure on the Tycho and Copernicus craters, surface detail on Mars, and the rings on Saturn. Improving performance even further is the inclusion of the patented Celestron StarBright XLT coatings. This optical finish helps ensure an outstanding 97.4% light transmission to the eyepiece or camera sensor, brightening your views and images. Please note: Upon receiving your EdgeHD 14, it’s necessary to loosen the primary mirror lock down screws located on the rear cell with the included 3/16” Allen wrench.
Elevated Architecture
To maximize the full potential of the upgraded optical design, Celestron has made improvements to the body of the telescope as well. For one, the primary and secondary mirrors are housed closer together within EdgeHDs to provide a wider field of view! As standard SCTs are prone to the issue of image shift—especially after tracking across the meridian, Celestron has incorporated two flexible tension clutches behind the primary mirror cell to assist with stability. This reinforcement helps keep the image centered within the eyepiece or camera. In addition to mirror clutches, the EdgeHD 14 includes tube vents to expel any built-up moisture and heat within the optical tube for a significant reduction of tube currents and the possibility of condensation. These tube vents are filtered with 60 µm stainless steel mesh to prevent an influx of dust or dirt. Wanting to utilize imaging trains featuring large, weighty filter wheels, CMOS cameras, off-axis guiders, and more? Not a problem! The robust, heavy duty rear threads provide a solid platform to support even the heaviest of imaging equipment.
A Myriad of Upgrades
To help you get the most out of your EdgeHD experience, Celestron has developed a multitude of amazing accessories to pair with your Celestron EdgeHD 14. Whether you plan on attaching your DSLR or dedicated astroimaging camera, the EdgeHD 14 T-Adapter adds enough space to the imaging train such that the easily-achievable industry standard 55 mm of backspacing remains. Need a dew solution? Not a problem! The 14” Dew Ring fits perfectly, and installation is quick and painless. If you’re wanting to expand your imaging horizons, reduce the focal length from 3910 mm to 2737 mm with the 0.7x EdgeHD Focal Reducer. This accessory not only helps you capture a wider field of view, but it also brings the focal ratio of f/11 down to f/7.7! No matter how you choose to outfit your EdgeHD 14, Celestron has you set up for success.
The Complete Package
Coming standard with a host of included accessories, you’ll be out and under the stars in no time! Within this package you’ll find a 23 mm Luminos 2″ eyepiece for visual use right out of the box. Also, a 2″ star diagonal with 1.25″ adapter is included. This accessory redirects the incoming light at a 90 degree angle for more comfortable viewing. To install the star diagonal, remove the visual back and attach this accessory in its place. Next, add the eyepiece within the diagonal, focus your telescope, and you’re all set for a night of observing. The 9×50 finderscope found within this package sits atop this EdgeHD 14 and makes finding your targets a breeze. To attach this Celestron EdgeHD to a telescope mount, utilize the included CGE (Losmandy) style dovetail bar.
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