- This Atik 414EX Color CCD Camera is Used and in Good Condition. Upon inspection, we found this CCD camera to be complete and fully functional, with original packaging.
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- Comes with High Point 90-Day Warranty
Atik 414EX Color CCD Camera
with Sony ICX825 Progressive Scan Sensor
The Atik 414EX CCD camera follows on the footsteps of the Atik 314L+, one of the best cameras available for astrophotography. It features the brand new Sony ICX825 1.45 megapixel sensor, the much awaited successor to the venerable ICX285. The Atik 414 EX also features the same EXview HAD CCD II™ technology that is used on the Atik 428EX, 460EX and 490EX, which combined with the larger pixel size, makes it sensitive beyond anything previously seen in this price range. Compared with the Atik 314L+ at 650nm, the 414EX is 60% more sensitive. In fact, the Atik 414EX is even more sensitive than the already spectacular 460EX, making it the perfect camera for the enthusiast with a limited budget. Check out the sensitivity comparison chart, located in the images section, to see the striking difference between the ICX285 and ICX825 sensors.
Sensor sensitivity is critical, but the 414EX offers other features that are also important when it comes to choosing a CCD camera. The Atik 414EX is can easily achieve over 30ºC below ambient, and the cooling is regulated, which means that your image calibration will be consistent. And speaking of calibration, for most applications, the camera has such a low dark noise, that dark frames are an option rather than a requirement!
The Atik 414EX’s narrow footprint means that it can be used on Fastar/Hyperstar configurations with zero obstruction, even on the 6″ version. Low weight (less than one pound) also keeps the stress on the corrector plate to a bare minimum. The Atik 414EX is a truly impressive camera, and will bring you joy for many years to come.
Atik 414EX CCD Camera Requirements
- Pentium III PC with 128MB RAM
- Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8 (not RT)
- CD-ROM drive
- USB 2.0 port
Atik 414EX Color CCD Camera Specifications
- Sensor Type: CCD – Sony ICX825
- Horizontal Resolution: 1392 pixels
- Vertical Resolution: 1040 pixels
- Pixel Size: 6.45 µM x 6.45 µM
- ADC: 16 bit
- Readout Noise: 5e- typical value
- Interface: Mini-USB 2.0 High Speed
- Power: 12v DC 1A
- Maximum Exposure Length: Unlimited
- Minimum Exposure Length: 1/1000 s
- Cooling: Thermoelectric set point with max ΔT=>-30°C
- Weight: .88 lb.
- Backfocus: 13mm
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